Overview of Our Rhododendrons
Below is a list of the outstanding species rhododendrons* that we normally have for sale, listed alphabetically by their Latin name. Click on the plant name for a photos and detailed description.
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Contact us for current availability.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
R. adenogynum – restrained growth, usually wider than high, leaves have a bluish gray cast, spongy orangish brown indumentum, light pink to white flowers.
R. ambiguum – pale yellow – fragrant leaves – makes a great screen – willowy growth – takes full sun.
R. amundsenianum – a new small leaved alpine with strong blue flowers – will take sun.
R. arboreum – a mid April bloomer with shiny dark leaves and plastered indumentum. Will become a tree.
R. argipeplum – a red that blooms in February or March. Wonderful hairs on leaf and stem, smooth polished red bark with time.
R. argyrophyllum – we offer ssp. hypoglaucum, a form with bronzy new growth. Underside of leaves are white. Light pink flowers.
R. arizelum – wonderfully fuzzy orange indumentum coats the underside of the large leaves – flowers change from pink to yellow to cream – branches readily.
R. asterochnoum – closely related to R. calophytum, this rhododendron adds a distinctive indumentum to the leaf. Foliage is sturdy and rugose.
R. augustinii – blue at its best plus willowy new growth in bronze. Blooms at an early age with a profusion of flowers.
R. augustinii ssp. chasmanthum – a truer but lighter blue than most R. augustinii‘s. Same willowy growth, same profusion of flowers.
R. auriculatum – blooms in July/August for a great late season – Tree–like when mature – evergreen, hardy – deliciously fragrant white-to-pink trumpet-shaped flowers.
R. baihuaense – a new introduction from China with waxy red new growth and dainty white flowers. You have to see it to believe it. That’s a rhododendron?
R. balangense – glossy dark green leaves, a yellow mid-rib stripe and a limited height make this new introduction worth a second look. White flowers.
R. barbatum – red – upright, full – will develop smooth, red peeling bark – blooms early with bold statements of bright red! Some have hairy stems; all have hairs at leaf base.
R. basilicum – a little known big-leaf with glorious new growth in silvery tones – creamy white flowers in large trusses – tree-like.
R. beanianum - an early bloomer with waxy red flowers. Reddish-brown indumentum - may reach four feet in ten years?
R. brachycarpum - a Japanese gem of a late (June) bloomer. Well-rounded plant with recurved leaves.
R. bureavii – outstanding indumented plant whose leaves are dark green on top, furry rust-colored indumentum on the backside. White heavily spotted flowers.
R. bureavioides – a relative of R. bureavii – the leaves come with ears – and with texture and tomentum – a very short petiole gives the plant a distinct look.
R. calendulaceum – a native to the east coast of the US, R. calendulaceum is a deciduous azalea with a bold orange flower and foliage with good fall color. A show stopper made in the USA.
R. calophytum – pinkish or white with dark spot in throat – long, slender leaves. A proven long time super-star.
R. calostrotum ssp. calostrotum - bluish leaves on a compact shrub that catches your eye.
R. camelliiflorum – a twisty, twining wonder that looks great on a stump or in a hanging basket.
R. campanulatum – deep green elliptical leaves with tawny indumentum. Blue flowers.
R. campanulatum ssp. aeruginosum – This is a form of R. campanulatum that is characterized by the blue color of the foliage.
R. canadense – a deciduous azalea native to the east coast of North America. Strap-like petals form the flower on the purple stems.
R. cerasinum – deep dark red – seed collected from Tibet – If you look at the flowers with the sun behind them, they GLOW.
R. changii – a delightful low growing (2-3 feet) shrub with dark green polished leaves that add shades of purple and have hairs around the edges. Yellow flowers.
R. chasmanthum – see R. augustinii ssp. chasmanthum.
R. cinnabarinum – bluish, fragrant foliage and tubular pink to purplish flowers. Some forms with yellow or red flowers.
R. cinnabarinum Roylei Group – the Royleii Group has the darkest red flowers of any of the R. cinnabarinum members. Memorable for its flower color and the blue tint of its leaves.
R. cinnabarinum ssp. xanthocodon Concatenans Group – this low-growing member of the Cinnabarina subsection has the bluest foliage of all. Yellow flowers are a bonus.
R. coeloneuron – a new introduction. Fast growing, blooms freely with soft pink flowers. Interesting leaves with deep veins and a wooly brown indumentum.
R. concatenans – see R. cinnabarinum ssp. xanthocodon Concatenans Group
R. concinnum – willowy growth makes this a great screening plant – smaller, fragrant leaves – takes the sun – reddish purple flowers.
R. crinigerum – a beautiful compact plant with dark, shiny green bullate leaves covered with a mustard yellow indumentum underneath. Pastel flowers in white and pink shades.
R. cumberlandense - another of the Eastern deciduous azaleas, this one a late bloomer in shades of red or orange. It's low growing and therefore suitable for the smaller garden.
R. cyanocarpum – if you like blue foliage, this rhododendron is for you. It’s quite tidy (no sprawl) and wants a salute because it deserves it. Slow growing and restrained in size.
R. decorum ssp. decorum– upright and full, foliage has a bluish cast, fragrant, white flowers.
R. decorum ssp. diaprepes - this is just a low elevation R. decorum ssp. decorum which may have larger flowers in some forms but is not as hardy. Only die-hard rhodoholics need this.
R. degronianum ssp. heptamerum var. hondoense – stunning pink flowers on a compact shrub.
R. degronianum ssp. yakushimanum – the classic species that put species rhododendrons back on the gardeners map. Beautifully rounded shrub with woolly foliage and small stature. Wants the sun.
R. dendrocharis – a choice, free-flowering dwarf epiphyte that would enjoy being planted in a hanging basket.
R. denudatum – a new introduction whose exact status is still emerging. In the meantime, it looks like a great garden plant with deeply rugose leaves with a brown indumentum and pink to purple flowers.
R. diaprepes –see R. decorum ssp. diaprepes
R. dichroanthum – a compact shrub with late flowers in shades of orange, red and yellow. Likes some sun.
E - F
R. elegantulum – a REAL GEM. Slow growing, smaller plant with pink to white flowers.
R. erosum – a fine foliage plant with bristles, deeply-veined leaves with heart-shaped connection at the petiole. New growth is plum-colored. Bright red flowers.
R. excellens – distinctive large leaves with goldish/gray look – this tropical rhody makes a great container plant – protect from winter frost – a garage will do.
R. eximeum – excellent big leaves with rich golden orange indumentum, trusses of 12 to 25 yellow blooms – estimate hardy to 15° F.
R. facetum – newly re-introduced Chinese beauty – new growth is covered in tawny indumentum that streams away in the wind. – hardy to 10°F. Red flowers.
R. falconeri – big-leaved plant with matt rugose leaves on the upper side, thick rust brown indumentum on the underside. Yellow flowers feature a blotch of purple red.
R. farinosum – a recently re-introduced small dense shrub that may reach 3 -4 feet. White flowers, rugose leaves and white indumentum. Looks like a real winner.
R. faucium – relatively unknown good doer – native to Tibet – smooth peeling reddish bark – distinctive blunt tipped leaves – a great plant! Darker pink flowers.
R. fictolacteum – see R. rex ssp. fictolacteum
R. flinckii – wonderfully indumented leaves, both top and bottom.
R. floccigerum – narrow dark green leaves with patchy indumentum on a smaller plant (four feet in ten years) with variable flower colors. We expect ours to be red, but no promises with Mother Nature.
R. fortunei – pale pink or greenish white – Vigorous, upright, good doer with purplish stems. Fragrant.
R. fulgens – early bloomer with red flowers and beautiful indumentum on a compact shrub. Not often seen.
R. fulvoides – little known but worthy of a look for glossy green foliage and stunning yellow orange gold indumentum. Larger leaves with good hardiness.
R. fulvum – beautifully polished dark green leaves are highlighted with an orange indumentum on the underside. Very lovely pink flowers with a small dark blotch deep in the throat.
R. fuyuanense – a new introduction related to R. racemosum, it blooms profusely given enough sun. Responds to pruning, so size is up to you.
R. glanduliferum – large, fragrant; when it blooms, it’s August or September.
R. glaucophyllum – a dainty little fellow (three feet?) with an abundance of flowers in shades of pink and white from an early age, shaggy peeling bark.
R. gongshanense – light to dark red flowers – Rough narrow foliage with prominent veins – Bronze new growth and hairy under-leaf – Species native to the Gaoligong mountains in NW Yunnan, China.
R. grande – early blooming white with long leaves, good for container as hardiness is 15 to 20°F.
R. griffithianum – large flowered tree like rhody with smooth bark. Tender and requires protection in the Northwest winter.
R. habrotrichum – smaller (four feet in ten years) well-rounded shrub with lots of hairs on leaves and stems. Plum to white-striped pink flowers. Blooms at an early age.
R. heliolepis – distinctly aromatic glossy foliage with abundant scales on the upper surface of the leaf. Later blooming with pink flowers on a moderately sized plant.
R. henanense – a new introduction to the West with hairy stems and leaf margins. Makes a lovely mound with white flowers. The plant has a “soft” feel to it.
R. hodgsonii – rosy pink – beautiful peeling bark – leaves with a bluish cast and silvery overlay – slow growing.
R. hookeri – an upright growing shurb with smooth, gray and maroon bark. The leaves have tufts of hairs (hooks!) on the lateral veins. But it is named after Sir Joseph Hooker.
R. huanum – a well-rounded shrub with lavender flowers and showy calyx.
R. hunnewellianum – distinctive narrow leaves and an interesting pattern of leaf bracts when in new growth make this old standby worth growing. Pink flowers on a very hardy plant that grows to 6 feet in 10 years.
R. hylaeum - Grow it for its smooooth grey to reddish trunk, enjoy some rosy red flowers along the way and be bowled over by the stunning new growth,
R. hyperythrum – distinctive glossy curved leaves longer than broad make this rhodie a standout. Both cold and heat tolerant. White flowers.
R. insigne – beautifully polished dark green leaves support candy-striped flowers of pink and white while a silvery plastered indumentum finishes off a sturdy plant.
R. irroratum – We offer a version from wild collected seed gathered in Sichuan. So far, no blooms but it most likely has pink flowers with or without spots.
R. irroratum Ningyuenense Group – see R. irroratum
R. japonicum - a deciduous azalea with soft leaves and a delicate apricot flower. Classic Japanese!
R. keiskei – a petite Japanese gift with delicate pale yellow flowers.
R. kesangiae – most likely the hardiest of the big-leaf rhododendrons – a good do-er with pink flowers in large trusses.
R. keysii – totally unique tubular flowers mass together in shades of red, orange and yellow on a willowy plant.
R. lanigerum – deep green leaves make this a regal shrub. Bright red flowers are outstanding. 20 to 35 flowers in each truss. Buds are large and round.
R. lepidostylum – a diminutive bristly, yellow-flowering, blue foliage plant.
R. leucaspis - a dwarf cutie that grows in and on trees in the wild but likes stumps, baskets and containers in our gardens. White to pale yellow flowers, hairs and more.
R. lindleyi – delicate, funnel-shaped creamy white FRAGRANT flowers may be tinged with pink – drape it over a fence or stump and enjoy the sweet fragrance.
R. linearifolium – see R. stenopetalum var. linearifolium
R. longesquamatum – a distinctly hairy shrub that stands out in the landscape. Rosy-pink flowers on a four foot in ten years rhododendron.
R. lutescens - a delicate yellow in early spring with red, bronzy new growth. Willowy habit but very open to pruning and shaping.
R. luteum – a deciduous azalea from Turkey. Bright yellow flowers, great FRAGRANCE and superb fall color. Hardy and tough.
R. macabeanum – yellow with a purple spot in throat – probably the best of the “big leaves” – this tree-like rhody with its big flowers and shiny dark green leathery leaves with a yellow midrib and indumentum could grow in a large pot – always attracts attention.
R. macrophyllum – our native western rhododendron. The state flower of Washington. Summer drought tolerant once established.
R. magniflorum - a new introduction from China with large white fragrant flowers and reddish new growth. Close to extinct in the wild.
R. makinoi – another of the Japanese beauties, the narrow leaves of this well behaved shrub always grab attention. Pink flowers are an added bonus.
R. mallotum – gorgeous thick orange indumentum on the underside of the rugose leaves. Red flowers on a well behaved shrub.
R. megeratum – here’s that dwarf you have been looking for – 12 – 18″ tall with equal girth, it’s stunning in and out of flower. A year-round standout and a great rock garden candidate.
R. mekongense - a bright yellow flower pops out before the leaves on this semi-deciduous willowy shrub of 3 -4' in ten tears.
R. micranthum - it's hard to believe this one is a rhododendron since its white flowers are small (but abundant) and its leaves don't look like a traditional rhody. Check it out.
R. moupinense – a low-growing willowy plant with small leaves. Our plants are bred from a redder than usual strain.
R. neriiflorum – lovely soft red – dependable bloomer – light fuzzy, recurved leaves have a slight bluish cast.
R. nipponicum – a deciduous Japanese azalea with white bell-shaped flowers. The new spring leaves are like Cocker Spaniel ears – soft and floppy.
R. niveum – smoky purple in outstanding tight, many flowered truss- beautiful new growth with silvery hairs – indumentum starts white and turns grey.
R. nudipes – a deciduous Japanese azalea that has soft apple-green leaves. Blooms white in mid-summer, then produces nice fall color.
R. oblongilobatum - a Boothia darling with bright yellow flowers and small polished leaves. Great for containers.
R. occidentale – a lovely, delicate and fragrant west coast native deciduous azalea.
R. ochraceum – a compact plant with frosty foliage and bright red flowers. Draws visitors across the garden.
R. oligocarpum – rose colored flowers on a compact shrub with good structural elements. High rating from Peter Cox.
R. orbiculare – leaves are like little lily pads – the plant tends to grow in tiers giving a feel for the Far East – flowers in a nice shade of pink.
R. oreotrephes – dainty flower and bluish foliage combine with modest size for smaller spaces.
R. pachysanthum – the GEM of the species. Beautiful silver, gray, rust flecked foliage with orange indumentum and soft pink to white flowers on a ball of a plant. Likes sun.
R. pachytrichum – a regal, rounded shrub with lots of hairs. Flowers are white or pink often with a purple blotch deep in the throat.
R. pendulum – a dwarf with hairy foliage that is sure to draw second looks in or out of flower. Excellent drainage a must.
R. pentaphyllum - another of the deciduous Japanese azaleas, this one very similar to R. quinque-folium with leaves with red edges but with pink flowers.
R. phaeochrysum – with Taliensia series genes, this plant brings class – shiny leaves and golden brown indumentum. Slow growing to four feet in ten years with white flowers a bonus.
R. pingianum – a clear pink flower on a well-rounded shrub. Very floriforus.
R. pocophorum – waxy, fleshy red flowers, glossy dark green leaves on the top, intense orange indumentum on the underside and a four to five foot shrub in ten years – what more could you want!
R. polylepis – purple flowers on an upright sun tolerant bush in the Triflora subsection.
R. praestans – A wonderful HARDY slow-growing big-leaf rhody – two specimens in lovely urns would look fabulous framing an entry way!
R. prattii – an open-structured slow-growing shrub with white flowers.
R. protistum – pale rose to crimson purple – huge leaves – tropical NW at its best – makes a great pot plant – needs winter protection.
R. pruniflorum – a small shrub with blue purple flowers and a red peeling bark. Later bloomer.
R. pseudochrysanthum – a dwarf gem – low growing evergreen with rigid foliage – hardy – has a lovely distinct form – flowers are white flushed pink.
R. qiaojiaense – compact branching shrub with pinkish white flowers and bronze new growth.
R. quinquefolium – highly-prized deciduous Japanese azalea with amazingly beautiful leaves.
R. racemosum – here’s a dainty fellow that blooms profusely each spring. Small leaves with willowy growth on a plant that can be kept small. Loves sun.
R. rex ssp. fictolacteum - lovely orange-brown indumentum on deep green leaves makes this rhodie a show-stopper. White flowers with a purple blotch.
R. rex ssp. rex – big, glossy green leaves are the hallmark of this big-leaf rhody – white to pinkish flowers come in large trusses.
R. rothschildii – variable from white to cream to rose – a naturally occurring hybrid between two distinct species that has established itself in self-sustaining stands. A very handsome plant.
R. roxieanum var. oreonastes – flowers are white with purple spots – long narrow distinct leaves – raised here in Western Washington, it’s hardy, well behaved and relatively slow-growing.
R. roxieanum var. roxieanum - a much smaller version of R. roxieanum with more polished leaves and a three foot height limit.
R. rubiginosum – purplish pink, willowy upright growth, makes a great screen – takes sun – blooms easily – good doer.
R. sanctum – a Japanese deciduous azalea with rhombic leaves and purple flowers.
R. sanguineum var. haemaleum – a smaller plant with black red flowers. Check it out.
R. schlippenbachii – known as the Royal Azalea, the rounded leaves and mounding habit make this deciduous shrub a favorite. Pink to white flowers and good fall color.
R. seinghkuense – Here’s an epiphyte that does well in containers or hanging baskets. Yellow flowers on a hairy, bullate leaved small specimen.
R. semibarbatum – a real oddity that doesn’t look like a rhododendron at all. It’s a Japanese deciduous azalea with intriguing spring and summer foliage and great fall color. Flowers are cream with red spots and well hidden! Four feet max.
R. serotinum – a large fragrant white late bloomer with bluish foliage. Could (should?) be used as a small tree.
R. sichotense – a hardy Siberian plant with delicate (early!) purple flowers. Ours is already blooming in January. The leaves have a distinct scent that can fil a garden on warm days.
R. sinofalconeri – yellow – expect this plant to grow into a vigorous, tall , large-leafed evergreen tree – native to Northwest Yunnan, China.
R. sinogrande – creamy white or pale yellow – the largest leaves of all the big leaf rhodies. A bit tender but makes a magnificent container plant that can be brought in from the cold.
R. souliei – wonderfully soft pink with blue-green new growth – rounded heart-shaped leaves – a real princess of a plant – Grown from seed as it will not root from cuttings.
R. spinuliferum – the unique, pale to bright orange flower is like a firecracker – open widely spreading growth habit – sun or shade – not for the coldest areas – distinctive small hairy leaves.
R. stenopetalum var. linearifolium – an evergreen azalea with thin strap-like leaves and flowers that are strap-like too! From Japan (where else?)
R. stewartianum – an unusual plant from wild collected seed. The rounded leaves have a bluish cast with a slight curl at the edges.
R. strigillosum – early season beautiful full red trusses – recurved hairy leaves and stems – beautiful new growth – takes sun – compact growth – simply superb!
R. suoilenhense – the “banana tree” of the rhododendron world has leaves that may reach 15 inches. It’s remarkably hardy for such a “tropical” look.
R. sutchuenense – a tough larger-growing species – long lasting pink blossoms with red spots – blooms at a fairly young age.
R. taliense – Slow growing four-footer with fragrant LEAVES! Great indumentum. Highly sought after and rarely offered.
R. tephropeplum – an early pink bloomer with trumpet shaped flowers on a small plant – three feet in ten years. Wants an exposed location.
R. thomsonii – a mid-spring bloomer with bright red bell-shaped flowers – large evergreen with reddish peeling bark.
R. trichanthum – a hairy Triflora series member with dark reddish purple to paler bluish mauve flowers. Five feet in ten years.
R. tsaii – a new introduction originally from Yunnan – small-leaved – delicate purple flowers – likes the sun – would look great in a rock garden.
R. tsariense – a smaller shrub with year-round interest because of its distinct, frosty orange and gray foliage. Soft pink flowers in two’s and three’s are a bonus.
R. uvarifolium – a regal bush with long, dark leaves and pink flowers.
R. vernicosum – white with pink overtones – an easily grown plant – vigorous grower – will eventually become a large shrub.
R. viridescens - a late-blooming, low yellow from SE Tibet.
R. viscosum – an east Coast deciduous azalea whose powerful fragrance from small white flowers will fill your garden. Can be kept to whatever size you want.
R. wardii - this plant introduced yellow flowers to the Western rhododendron world. Nicely rounded leaves on a medium-sized plant adds to its desirability.
R. wasonii – a glossy-leaved wonder with reddish-brown indumentum – Taliensia Subsection assures greatness.
R. watsonii – a “big leaf” rhododendron that is rarely seen. Distinctive foliage with a yellow stripe. Fairly hardy and compact.
R. williamsianum – dwarf or low growing species with rounded leaves and bronze new growth. The pink to white bells will cover the plant.
R. wiltonii – leaves that grab interest with rough texture and hints of indumentum followed by soft pink flowers touched with white make for a fine plant that makes a well rounded shrub.
R. xanthostephanum – bright yellow small flowers – Lovely red peeling bark – probably best as a pot plant – needs to be trained and pruned for shape – somewhat tender.
R. xichangense - a new introduction with great potential - lots of pink to white flowers on a willowy plant with olive green leaves.
R. yakushimanum – see R. degronianum ssp. yakushimanum – for a description of this most popular species rhododendron.
R. yuefengense – the leaves are fairly large, thick fleshy orbs of blue green on a sturdy plant. Pinkish purple flowers appear mid-spring. A great new addition to our gardens.
R. yunnanense – white with contrasting spotting of various colors – tall growing lighter textured, willowy plant which will make a beautiful specimen or when planted in a group can make a great screen – sun tolerant – the plant responds well to pruning to keep it in place.
R. zaleucum – graceful and willowy, will take sun and blooms easily – early growth is often reddish or bronzy – flowers are white flushed with pastel tones.